How do I get my baby Baptised?
If one or both parents are Catholics and they are parishioners of St. Peter’s Parish then their child can be baptised in this Church. Baptism is the beginning of the Christian life of a child. During the ceremony, the parents will make a commitment to bring their child up in the practice of the faith. This is a serious commitment made before God and should be considered carefully. Without a well founded belief that this will happen, the clergy are obliged to recommend that the Baptism be postponed. To help in this the parish runs a Preparation for Baptism Class which the child’s parents are invited to attend. The class is held after the Sunday 10.30am Mass and takes between 30/40 mins. Once the preparation class has been completed the parents can book the date for the child’s Baptism. St. Peter’s Parish celebrates Baptism on a Sunday at 12noon. It is a tradition of the Church that an offering be made after the Service. To make arrangements please contact Father Peter
Following the Baptism of a child, it is asked that you demonstrate your own commitment to the faith by bringing your child to Mass, and leading them by example through to their First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
What if my child is older?
If your child is not yet at school we follow the procedure detailed above. Once the child is old enough to have some understanding of what is going on then the child will need to be prepared for the sacrament. If the child is in year 4 or above then we would normally recommend that the child join the first Holy Communion programme and that Baptism take place sometime towards the end of that. If the child is in year 6 or above then we would recommend them joining the Confirmation programme. The dates and times of these programmes can be found in the parish bulletins. To discuss the best option for your child contact Fr. Peter.
How does an adult go about being Baptised?
Adults seeking Baptism normally join the RCIA programme. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process that we use to tell people about Jesus and his teaching. This is the route taken by those interested in becoming members of the Church. This programme runs once a year, starting in the autumn and finishing at Easter. If you are interested in joining this group, without any obligation to become a member of the Church, please contact Father Peter. Anyone seeking to become a Catholic who has been baptised in another denomination will not usually need to be baptised. However they normally join the RCIA process and will be Confirmed when they are received into the Church. The contact details for the clergy can be found in the weekly Parish Newsletter.
If you wish to arrange your wedding in St Peter’s please contact Father. Peter on 01253 737037.