News & Events
We are able to offer the opportunity to have the Sanctuary Lamp and/or Our Lady’s Lap burning for intentions each week. Weekly slots can be booked up to a year in advance if you wish to mark a particular anniversary. There is a suggested minimum donation of £5. For more information or to request a Sanctuary lamp please email info@stpeterslytham.co.uk
A reminder that if you or a relative are admitted to hospital and would like a visit from the Catholic Chaplain, it is necessary these days to specifically inform the Catholic Chaplain directly. Ring the Catholic Chaplain on 01253 956299** giving the person's name as recorded by the hospital and the ward. If the Chaplain is required urgently, please ask the ward staff to contact the on-call RC Chaplain. **Please note that the telephone number above relates only to people admitted to Blackpool Vic. Quite a number of people are sent to The Royal Preston Hospital where it will be a different number, and if they go to Clifton Hospital.